Flights in Colombia

Fstatus provides you with flight status information for flights in Colombia and worldwide.

List of airports in Colombia

Select an airport to see all routes and scheduled flight departures.

Code City # of routes Show
BOG Bogota 110 Show routes
MDE Medellin 47 Show routes
CLO Cali 45 Show routes
CTG Cartagena 40 Show routes
EOH Medellin 33 Show routes
BAQ Barranquilla 19 Show routes
PEI Pereira 15 Show routes
BGA Bucaramanga 20 Show routes
CUC Cucuta 11 Show routes
ADZ San Andres Island 13 Show routes
SMR Santa Marta 9 Show routes
VVC Villavicencio 11 Show routes
UIB Quibdo 6 Show routes
AXM Armenia 8 Show routes
NQU Nuqui 4 Show routes
MTR Monteria 7 Show routes
LET Leticia 7 Show routes
LQM Puerto Leguizamo 4 Show routes
LMC La Macarena 4 Show routes
PUU Puerto Asis 5 Show routes

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